Luciano Battagliero


rastro (lat. rastrum)

m. Vestigio, señal o indicio de un acontecimiento.

RAE, Spanish Dictionary, 23rd ed. (2014)

Experimental photography series that explores the interplay between movement and light. Captured with a VGA camera, the images emerge from intentional camera movement and long exposure, embracing abstraction and transforming the ordinary into fleeting traces of light.

Created on

Licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

Artwork from the series Rastros called #1
Artwork from the series Rastros called #2
Artwork from the series Rastros called #3
Artwork from the series Rastros called #4
Artwork from the series Rastros called #5
Artwork from the series Rastros called #6
Artwork from the series Rastros called #7
Artwork from the series Rastros called #8
Artwork from the series Rastros called #9
Artwork from the series Rastros called #10
Artwork from the series Rastros called #11
Artwork from the series Rastros called #12
Artwork from the series Rastros called #13
Artwork from the series Rastros called #14
Artwork from the series Rastros called #15
Artwork from the series Rastros called #16
Artwork from the series Rastros called #17
Artwork from the series Rastros called #18
Artwork from the series Rastros called #19
Artwork from the series Rastros called #20
Artwork from the series Rastros called #21
Artwork from the series Rastros called #22
Artwork from the series Rastros called #23